Latest Features
September 14, 2021

Embracing the New Normal, Revamping Old Practices and Creating a Connective Culture

In a guest article for, Next Level Benefits CEO Lauren Winans shares advice on navigating hybrid work models after COVID-19, why you must embrace the new normal, revamp old practices, and create a connective culture.
Business Times
August 3, 2021

As Employer-Employee Dynamics Shift, Employers Must Evolve Quickly

In this insightful Business Times article, Next Level Benefits CEO Lauren Winans discusses three key transformations reshaping the employer-employee relationship.
HR Magazine
April 29, 2021

Enhance HR Team Performance by Using Experienced Interim Talent

In a recent Vendor Viewpoint feature in Manage HR Magazine, we explain how experienced interim talent can enhance HR team performance by accelerating projects and combating burnout.