
Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness
April 13, 2024

Work-Life Integration: Achieving Balance and Thriving Together

The traditional concept of work-life balance has evolved into a more dynamic approach known as work-life integration. In this post, we’ll explore what work-life integration entails and real-life examples of companies and influential leaders who have embraced this philosophy.
Health & Wellness
April 12, 2024

Next Level Knowledge: Mental Health Awareness

Mental health awareness has become a critical issue in the workplace, and employees are looking to their employers for support in various ways. Next Level Benefits CEO Lauren Winans’ number one recommendation for employers looking to improve their employees' mental health is leadership training.
Health & Wellness
April 12, 2024

A New Framework for Mental Health & Well-Being in the Workplace

Recently, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy called on employers to invest in their employees' mental health and well-being by releasing a new Framework for Mental Health & Well-Being in the Workplace. The framework outlines the role that workplaces should play in promoting wellness, and highlights the benefits of doing so for both employees and organizations.
Health & Wellness
April 12, 2024

How Employers Can Support Volunteerism at Work

Over the past few years, volunteering has become extremely important to employees. They want to have opportunities to volunteer and know that their organization gives back. Here are some key ways employers can support volunteerism at work.
Health & Wellness
April 12, 2024

Next Level Knowledge: Pets in the Workplace

On National Puppy Day, we have Next Level Benefits pup, Rudy help us examine how pets in the workplace can have a positive effect on employee productivity.